The Department of health
The Department of Health was established to help Victorians stay safe and healthy and deliver a world-class health system that leads to better health outcomes for all Victorians.
Flu Shots
Seasonal influenza vaccine – Up to date ATAGI recommendations, vaccine eligibility criteria and resources. It’s never too late to be vaccinated as influenza can spread all year round.
Covid 19
Keep up-to-date with COVID-19 information for the health sector, including health services and professionals and providers. If you suspect you may have COVID-19 call the dedicated hotline.
Medicare Safety Net
The Extended Medicare Safety Net can help to lower your out-of-pocket medical costs for out of hospital services.
We recommended that all patients register with Medicare as a family or couple so that your out-of-pocket costs are counted together towards the Extended Medicare Safety Net thresholds and the PBS Safety Net thresholds.
TIS National
TIS National is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people with limited English proficiency and for agencies and businesses.